Clinical Trials and Interventions

Ongoing Studies

Mindset at the community level

Can promoting growth mindset improve the health, behavior, and learning of school-aged children in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco?

Irene Loe
Principal Investigator

Plasticity and learning in children with dyslexia

How does brain white matter change during an intensive reading intervention in children with dyslexia?

Jason Yeatman
Principal Investigator

Text message prompts and shared decision-making

Can a brief text message prior to a surgical sub-speciality visit increase parents' perception of shared decision-making?


Lauren Hubner
Principal Investigator

Project AFECT: Autism Family Empowerment Coaching and Training.

A program for parents of children just diagnosed with autism in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.


Heidi M. Feldman
Principal Investigator
Ingrid Lin
Fellow, Co-Investigator