
Peer Reviewed Publications

Bannett Y, Gunturkun F, Pillai M, Herrmann JE, Luo I, Huffman LCFeldman HMLeveraging a Large Language Model to Assess Quality-of-Care: Monitoring ADHD Medication Side Effects. Pediatrics, in press, 2024.  medRxiv 2024 doi:

Anderson KA, Lazarus MF, Bruckert L, Poblaciones RV, Scala M, Marchman VA, Feldman HM, Travis KE.  Neonatal inflammation and near-term white matter microstructure in infants born very preterm. NeuroImage: Reports, in press.

Sapp RW, Lee E, Bereknei Merrell S, Schillinger E, Lau JN, Feldman HM, Poffenberger CM. Disability Health in Medical Education: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Novel Curriculum at Stanford University School of Medicine. Frontiers in Medicine, Section Healthcare Professions Education, 2024 03 September, Volume 11


Non Peer-Reviewed Publications

Lin, I. Y., Stahmer, A. C., Feinberg, E., Feldman, H. M., Deras, M., & Augustyn, M. (2022). Challenging Case: Family Navigation for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 10-1097.

Book Chapters

Feldman HM, Elias E, Blum NJ, Stancin T, Jimenez ME, (Eds) Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2023, 1161 pages, ISBN: 9780323809726.

Feldman HM and Bellantonio. Prólogo: El campo de la Pediatría del Desarrollo y la Conducta.  In Cafiero P (Ed) Pediatría del Desarrollo y la Conducta: De la teoría a la práctica clínica, 1ª ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Journal, 2023. 285 p. also eBook)

Vanderbilt DL and Feldman HM. Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Field of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics.  In Feldman HM, Elias ER, Blum NJ, Jimenez M, Stancin T(Eds) Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition.  Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2023, Chapter 1, 1-1

Feldman HM and Messick. Chapter 73: Language and Speech Disorders. In Feldman Hm, Elias ER, Blum NJ, Jimenez M, Stancin T (Eds) Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2023, Chapter 44, 466-476.

 Feldman HM, Elias E, Blum NJ, Stancin T, Jimenez ME. Chapter 118: The right to belong, the right to be different. In Feldman HM, Elias ER, Blum NJ, Jimenez M, Stancin T(Eds) Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition.  Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2023, Chapter 118, 1107-1110