Community Service and Advocacy

The Faculty and Staff of Developmental Medicine adhere to The Improving Chronic Care Model that recognizes that clinical and functional outcomes are optimized when the health system collaborates with community resources. Below is a list of on-going collaborations between our section and community services and agencies:

A.F.E.C.T. Autism Family Empowerment Coaching and Training Project

This person- and family- centered project will empower families of children newly diagnsoed with autism to understand the child's condition, implement adult-child interactions effective for increasing learning and communication, and navigate the complex service system to find appropriate therapeutic services. 

Watch Me Grow

This ambitious project in San Mateo County seeks to improve the availability of screening for child development and family functioning and integrate services for children birth through 5 years of age.

CPQCC/CCS HRIF Quality of Care Initiative

This initiative is a collaboration between the Division of Neonatal & Developmental Medicine and California Children's Services, a Title V organization. It represents a quality improvement project, designed to maximize the neurodevelopmental outcomes of California’s high-risk infants by age 3 years.

California Maternal Child Health Learning Collaborative

This collaborative combines the 11 programs in California that are funded by the maternal & child health bureau, including the four fellowships in developmental-behavioral pediatrics, nutrition programs, and graduate public health programs among others. We come together to help the State's Title V children’s services to provide a good system of care for children in California.

Abilities United

Abilities United is a community-based organization that provides services to individuals with disabilities from infancy through adulthood. Abilities United acts as a community site where residents can go to learn about service delivery for individuals with disabilities. Faculty and Abilities United board members have assisted in education for undergraduates and community partners.


California's ACEs Aware Initiative seeks to help pediatrics health care providers and community partners screen for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and implement the principles of trauma-informed care into practice.

Stanford ACEs Aware ECHO uses the highly interactive Project ECHO® model to allow participants to connect, engage and share valuable knowledge about the ACEs Aware Initiative within a supportive community of clinicians and interagency partners.  Project ECHO® is an innovative tele-education outreach model that uses Zoom teleconferencing to gather people and share information.