
Research training is an important focus of the DBP fellowship. This ongoing experience is an opportunity for fellows to develop their clinical research skills and increase their abilities to contribute to the scientific base of DBP. To develop as researchers, the fellows have training in clinical research fundamentals (e.g., identifying a research question, selecting a study design, choosing research study participants, selecting appropriate methods) and research implementation (e.g., ethics, recruitment, data management and analysis). The fellows also are supported in applying for internal research grants and in communicating research results, through presentation at professional meetings and manuscript publication. A key element of the research program is mentorship. The portfolio of ongoing and funded projects within the Stanford DBP Division and across the Stanford campus assures that DBP fellows have access to exciting and productive research training opportunities and outstanding mentors.

Training Experiences

DBP Research Lab Meetings (Years 1-3) – Variable

DBP Research Block (Year 1) – 1 month

Grant Writing Experience

Research Independent Study/Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (Years 2-3)1

Research Electives  



Formal Curricula

DBP Fellows Quality Improvement Seminar (Years 1-3) – Monthly

DBP Fellows Research Progress Seminar (Years 1-3) – Monthly

Department of Pediatrics Fellows’ Courses – Variable

  • Scholarship Academy (Year 1)
  • Peds Grant Writing Club (Year 1)
  • Scholarship Club (Years 1-3)

Research Curricula Electives (Years 2-3)2

1 Research areas: Advocacy and Community Engagement; Basic Science; Clinical Research; Health Services Research; Improvement Science; Medical Education Research; Translational Science

2 Possible research curricula electives: Pediatrics Medical Education Research Scholarly Concentration Training Block; Pediatrics Improvement Science Scholarly Concentration Training Block; School of Medicine Spectrum Intensive Course Clinical Research (ICCR)