DBP Programs

Who We Are

We are an interdisciplinary and collaborative team of healthcare leaders who provide compassionate, family-centered care to children and who engage in innovative research and training.


We deliver care to children at risk for developmental disorders and those with delays and disabilities.


We offer educational opportunities in classrooms and clinics, and in boardrooms and communities.


We engage in clinical and translational research designed to impact medical practice and health policy.

Community Service & Advocacy


ROAR: an approved dyslexia screener in California 

The state takes another step toward mandatory testing for children with reading difficulties, among the four screeners, ROAR, the Rapid Online Assessment of Reading, is published by Stanofrd University with the Brain Development and Education Lab. To read more, click here. 

Online Training: The ABCs of Managing Challenging Behaviors 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 6:00pm-8:00pm

For more information, please click here. 

On April 26, 2024, Bay Area FOX, KTVU 2 interviewed our very own, Casey Krueger, PhD, discussing mental health in school-aged children and how the bill proposal to limit homework stress might be beneficial to some students in relation to bill AB 2999. View the video below.

758 Doctors for 19 Million Kids. The safety net for kids is gone. 

Click here to read the article for more. 


Society for Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

Congratulations to Dr. Irene Loe for being elected to the Board of Directors at SDBP. 

Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition

Congratulations to our very own Dr. Heidi Feldman, MD PhD who is the Lead Co-Editor of the new book, Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Fifth Edition. We have several faculty members who contributed in the book chapters such as Irene Loe, MD, Lynne Huffman, MD, David Ansel, MD, Casey Krueger, PhD, and Jessica Patel, PhD. 

Back to School: Jason Yeatman on How Children Learn to Read

Jason Yeatman, PhD, answers uetions that parents may have about how children learn to read and how to identify when a child is struggling. 

California Parent & Youth Helpline Offer Free COVID-19 Support

In partnership with Governor Newsom, Parents Anonymous® Inc. recently launched the California Parent & Youth Helpline and Online Parents Anonymous® Support Groups in response to the Coronavirus to provide free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to Parents, Children and Youth in any language via calls, text, live chat and email. The California Parents & Youth Helpline operates 7 days a week from 8:00AM-8:00PM. Parents can Join a Weekly Online Support Group NOW through the website: caparentyouthhelpline.org. In this confidential setting, Parents address their underlying emotions and build resiliency to strengthen their family. The helpline number is 1-855-427-2736. Here are links to English and Spanish flyers.

How to Talk to Your Children About the Value of Diversity and the Problem of Racism

We have provided this guide with suggestions on how parents can talk about these issues with their children.